Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Morning Blog, What, this Again!?!?! Edition

Once again, the New York Times is asking for a log in to view their pages. I really have no issue with that but to complicate things, for some reason it will not accept the log in I already have.


I think a nationwide moratorium on foreclosures is a bad idea. A very bad idea indeed. It's tragic indeed that people are losing the homes that they cannot afford. However, it's tragic as well that folks were encouraged to buy unaffordable homes in the first place. I just don't see this as being something that will help the housing market at all. Unless over-vauled properties are placed on the market and allowed to depreciate to their true market value, we're not going to see a resolution of this crisis. Putting a moratorium on foreclosures furthermore, is certainly not going to encourage banks to extend credit.

That said, things are awful bad on a national level right now. Thoughts?

I had been under the impression that this Pledge to America business had sort of gone away. It seemed as though nobody on either side of the aisle was taking it as a serious document. Oh well. It gives politicians something to yell at each other about I guess.

Glenn Beck is a strange, barking creature with the temperament of a fever-mad wallaby. That said, this is a pretty sloppy op-ed. The gist of it is that a crazy person felt validated by Beck's crazy talk and went on to act crazy. Look, people are going to find validations for their behavior from all sorts of sources. The fact that one fan (out of sadly, deplorably, millions), went on to become violent is hardly evidence of 'enabling' as the writer puts it. David Berkowitz took direction from his neighbors dog for chrissakes. Yet we don't lambast the nations canines as enablers of serial killers.

It's party time in North Korea! Anybody know where I can find sheet music for "Please Receive the Best Wishes of the People"? I'm sure it's a jaunty tune.

In a perfect world, wouldn't it be nice if we could say: This is our responsibility how?

The GOP really, really needs to get its act together. This is appropriate behavior for a candidate, how? So profoundly tone deaf. Takeaway:

Iott says he does not recall exactly when he joined the Wiking group (his name appears on a unit roster as far back as 2003), but did so with his son "as a father-son bonding thing."

Yeah. Nazi dress up. I guess little league was out of the question.

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