Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Morning Blog

The federal government is going to ruin everybody's party in Californa. Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that marijuana laws will be prosecuted aggressively, regardless of whether recreational use in legalized in the state. So what are they going to do if the state taxes it? Arrest the governor for money laundering? I don't understand why republicans, after all their talk about states rights, are opposed to this. Oh right, doesn't involve contraceptive choice or teaching religion in schools. My bad.

The British budget cuts continue. And it's not pretty. Due to cuts in subsidies, tuition will rise, in some cases by more than 100%. Realistically though, that would hike rates to....$11,000. Compared to tuition costs in other countries, is that really all that big of a problem?

Bring back the boombox!!!!! I LOVE the description of them as a "sonic campfire". That sort of social element is something you just don't get with an iPod.

Yeah Boyeeeeeeeee!!!

Yet more miners traped underground. It'll be interesting to see if these Chinese miners garner the same sort of coverage as the Chileans. This is pretty incredible, something I hadn't heard before:

China had its own stunning mine rescue earlier this year, when 115 miners were pulled from a flooded mine in the northern province of Shanxi after more than a week underground. The miners survived by eating sawdust, tree bark, paper and even coal. Some strapped themselves to the walls of the shafts with their belts to avoid drowning while they slept.

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