Saturday, October 30, 2010

Seattle Morning Day 2

Well, it's actually Day 3 I guess but I choose not to count the day I came in. That was more of an 'airport' day than a 'Seattle' day.


Had a busy day yesterday. After wandering around breaking my camera, I went back to the apartment and met up with the peoples. We then went to a bar called "The Peoples Pub" which advertises itself as "The Mullet of Ballard".

Ballard by the way, is the name of the neighborhood I'm staying in.

It was a pretty cool bar but as a Pittsburgher, I know a mullet. And that sir, was no mullet.

Still fun though

And then we went somewhere else with a nautical theme and Geoff and Katie made friends with a traumatized and very drunk cajun woman.

And then we went home and were treated to a moderately drunk diatribe about the inside financial issues facing Amazon.

And now I'm moving around and drinking coffee and soon it will be time for eggs!

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