Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

I had such a very simple plan today. Unfortunately, the best laid plans of mice and men are typically ruined by their families.

Having consigned myself to a Thanksgiving devoid of actual human contact, I had resolved the following:

1) I really didn't feel like going to the trouble of taking a shower. However, I would be a grown up and at least brush my teeth.

2) I will drink the case of tiny, stupid, little Heineken bottles that is sitting in my fridge.

Now, that may seem like quite a bit of beer to commit oneself to. But before everybody jumps on the phone to make sure that I haven't given up my day job for the heady life of a wino, bear in mind: These bottles really are tiny. And stupid.


These things are ridiculous! I never should have got them.

Purchasing them seem logical at the time. The Girlfriend needed something to drink, they weren't very heavy to carry home with me and I figured that my roommate would probably like them. She has a tendency to drink half a beer and then get bored with it and wander off to do a crossword puzzle or something.

Unfortunately, the Girlfriend didn't like them and the roommate has been AWOL for the past few weeks. So I've been stuck with these bastards.

Today was going to be a great, boozy exorcism of these silly bottles! I was going to gulp them all down and then take a nap.

As it turns out though, my little brother has opted to come over to bring me a plate of food. Which is certainly very kind of him but it interrupts my scheme.

Maybe I can pawn them off on him? Of course, it'd be illegal but still. I want these things gone so I can make room for grown up sized beverages.

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