Thursday, November 18, 2010


Over at Foreign Policy , David Rothkopf pulls no punches whilst punishing the Tea Party!

Yes. Alliteration makes me very happy.

He is not a happy man about the election. Not happy at all:

In some respects this might be seen as democracy at work. The problem is we are taking an affliction of democracy -- ignorance -- and turning it into a political movement. This may be disturbing to all those who have a passing interest in the facts, but it creates a special burden for those who must oppose the movement, because those on the other side are actually immune to rational argument, by definition allergic to it.

It now falls to the mainstream Republican leadership, especially to presumptive Speaker John Boehner, to control this group and limit its worst traits. And all spirited Americans who can read and write ought to be pulling for him. Because if he fails, America will face the threat of the spread of a strain of reckless demagoguery unprecedented in our history, a Snookidemic that threatens to effectively lobotomize the body politic.

I'm certainly no fan of the Tea Party or their appointees. I think (and I say this as a generalization of course), they lack the seriousness necessary for effective governance. That said, I'm not quite as panicked. I hope....HOPE MIND YOU...that the realities of running the government will temper their loonier inclinations. Sooner or later, they'll have to accept that cutting taxes means cutting services that are extremely popular with their constituents.

Hopefully, they'll also accept that the President is not a Kenyan-Indonesian-Space alien who wants to eat our elderly, but rather just a guy trying to do his best by the country with some unfortunately objectionable policies.

I should in fairness also note that I hope to one day teach my cat to fetch me beers from the fridge and perform light housework.

What's wrong with dreaming?

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