Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ivy League Thieves

Andrew Sullivan has a post up about the outright theft of private property and destruction of peoples livelihoods Columbia University managed to pull off with the collusion of New York City.

From one of the litigants:

My family is profoundly disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear our case.  This is truly a dark day for all Americans who care about the sanctity of private property rights.  It is my hope that the loss by my family and the West Harlem community to the greed of Columbia University shall be looked upon as a clarion call to the citizens of our country that what has transpired here cannot be allowed to occur in other places. Americans must stand together and demand louder and more forcefully than ever that we be reunited with the basic civil right of true ownership of our homes and businesses. Until then, no one should feel safe from the collusion of unethical politicians and their favored private beneficiaries.

Can we agree that Kelo vs. New London was one of the worst, worst, worst Supreme Court decisions ever? There is absolutely no excuse for a government to ever allow the seizure of private property to benefit another private individual or group. Ever.

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