Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Morning Blog, Christmas Edition

I was going to take a pass on the blog today because I'm of the impression that really nothing happens on Christmas. Ever. However this morning, just like in the Pogues song, "the bells were ringing out for Christmas day!"

Truth be told, they ringing like a son of a bitch. Someone gave the church's hunchback some amphetamines for Christmas.

So the Girlfriend and I exchanged gifts last night via the magic of the interwebs! She got me perfect stuff: A massively engrossing book that's heavy enough to bonk a Viking with and a wonderful, wonderful mug! In fact it's my new happy mug. I'm drinking out of it right now. Because it's Christmas damnit!

So was I right? Is there nothing news worthy happening today?

Let's see...

The New York Times would like to inform you that yes Virginia, there is still a Christmas.

My local daily, The Post-Gazzette wishes to plea that "yinz jagoffs better get redd up for Christmas! " But they're just being nebby.

The Washington Post has a reader submitted gallery of the worst presents people have received for Christmas. I think it's sort of awesome that as of 10:35 AM EST, nobody's contributed a damn thing. Way to not be ungrateful bastards, Washingtonians!

Reuters being Reuters, they've chosen to report on the Chinese raising the interest rate on Christmas.

Reuters also reports some unhappiness in Nigeria this Christmas.

The dirty secularists over at Science Daily, naturally have nothing to say about Christmas. They don't care about the baby Jesus. Bastards. I will say though, they do have what looks like a pretty interesting article about giant sea scorpions.

Over at the Guardian UK, the Queen would like you all to get off your fat arses and get some bloody exercise this Christmas.

Having a moment to fill between light rock and wacky game shows, NPR reports on the pope's message this Christmas.

And finally...

Looking to UK news sources again, I see that it's going to be crappy on whatever the hell Boxing Day is.

Hey, got to talk very, very briefly with the Girlfriend before she ran off to do her family stuff. And that might be the best present yet.

Merry Christmas people!

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