Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Morning Blog

I was wondering when they'd get around to this: Iranians are now protesting as well. I'll hope that they'll be able to accomplish more than they did with the crushed Green Movement back in 2009. A quick thought: One of the reasons why the Egyptian uprising went as smoothly (and I would add as positively), as it did is that the United States was able to exercise considerable influence over the government due to the rather sizable amount of aid we offer them. Iran however, is a completely different story. Having severed all diplomatic ties for the past 30 odd years, we may still possess some sticks to move events in a positive way. However, we are all out of carrots.

The US is claiming diplomatic immunity for the embassy employee being held on murder charges in Pakistan. It's not really a good sign frankly. Diplomatic immunity is certainly a very, very important part of how foreign relations are conducted. It's necessary as an umbrella protection for all diplomats. I'm also quite certain that it's the very LAST thing any government wants to have to claim. Also...Who exactly is this guy? Why was he driving through the streets of Lahore carrying a gun? Nobody seems quite certain what his role at the embassy was. Apparently, he's ex-special forces. Not that I know...But it sorta sounds like he might be a spook.

This is pretty ghastly but the headline caught my eye: German Trucker Incest Trial.

Well, this is interesting: The drug war now has a naval component. Submarines, no less.

I mentioned this a few days ago but here's more information on the sobering fact THAT WE ARE RUNNING THE FUCK OUT OF INTERNET!! Looks like Comcast is ahead of the game in terms of setting up customers with new modems and routers to handle the new internet protocol. Naturally, I use Verizon. And I hate them.

I wrote a bit about IBMs Watson rather early this morning. Sorry if I was a bit incoherent but look at the time stamp and cut me some slack. The New York Times looks deeper into the future of thinking machines here. I maintain that improving a tool (and that absolutely is what Watson is), is always a good thing. It is not a clash or a challenge to humanity, rather it is a glowing affirmation of our unique role on the planet as the preeminent tool using species.

Um... that said...

It suddenly strikes me as a curious thing: Why is it that we have so many drone aircraft and no drone tanks? It seems as though remote control tanks would be much easier to develop than planes. Just something I'm curious about.

The Westminster Dog Show is a showcase of rare and sometimes vanishing breeds. Know what? Buy a mutt.

Reuters breaks down how the new proposed budget will affect you. Glancing at it quickly, all I can say is that even if we're nearing peak oil, the tax break for electric cars is still moronic. Currently they don't even qualify as toys for rich people. They're toys for rich people that live in California, the only state that currently possesses the infrastructure to properly support them. I don't think those people or the electric car companies necessarily deserve or need public subsidies.

I'm hoping to put together a trip to London at some point to visit with my sister, brother-in-law and genius niece. Here's a helpful map.


Kacee Bait: Here are some new toys for you to play with, Babe!

Oh my...Well, take from it what you will...It's a pretty rare case of a celebrity being honest. Whether it shortly becomes a case of a celebrity being unemployable is another question.


Here's an interesting interview over an NPR with a very successful interrogator in Iraq decrying the use of "advanced interrogation methods" or as he aptly puts it: torture.

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