Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Revolution Will Be Delivered

A Quick Note: I'm very pressed for time so this will be the only post I manage to do before work. There may or not be a MoBlo later depending on how things turn out. In the meantime, here's a little something for you to snack on...

The New York Times has an article up concerning one of the unsung heroes of the Wisconsin labor protests:

The pizza delivery man.

Underneath the Capitol’s majestic dome, as drummers drummed, demonstrators drew posters and some protesters did yoga, dozens of people swarmed toward Paul Sarnwick, an Ian’s deliveryman, as he opened a stack of boxes containing pizzas like spicy chicken taco, lasagna and buffalo chicken with blue cheese. 

“Whoever thought a deliveryman would be in the middle of something like this?” said Mr. Sarnwick, lanky, unshaven and 26. “People have been saying, ‘Thanks for feeding us. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to stay here and rally.’ ” 

Scott Van Eggeren, a pizza lover who opposes Gov. Scott Walker’s push to curb collective bargaining rights, hailed Ian’s contribution to the cause. 

“It’s awesome,” said Mr. Van Eggeren, a water analyst in the State Department of Natural Resources, having just downed a macaroni and cheese slice. “And the pizza is just great.”

It's pretty awesome to be honest even if macaroni and cheese pizza does sound repellent. 

Consider what it says about the nature of our country. While protesters around the world have to contend with truncheon wielding thugs and make sure they have enough rocks to throw at police, the main concern in Wisconsin is...carbs basically. It's nice, very nice to see that we're a mature enough and stable enough society to have our revolution and eat it too.

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