Thursday, March 3, 2011

Your Daily North Korean Headline

I decided that the daily news (as presented by North Koreans), really deserves its own stand-alone category.


Because I find the news coming out of North Korea to be absolutely fascinating, that's why. Much of it is predictable. You get a lot of the sort of hero worshiping you would expect from a press that's beholden to an entrenched cult of personality. Even then though, I think that looking at the sources actually being published by the regime is informative for someone coming from a country whose economy is not focused exclusively on nukes and hagiography.

Beyond the stories with headlines of the "Kim Jong Il Can Beat Up a Tiger" variety, are those that the regime feels are significant enough to actually warrant headline status. What's remarkable is that they so often trumpet events that would seem...Well, extremely modest to an outsider. I think it's revelatory of how life actually is in North Korea. It's a culture with very, very low expectations.

In that vein, I present your Daily North Korean Headline:

New Air Conditioning System for Restaurant

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