Another banner day for the Democratic Republic of Korea as yet another international body bestows a deserved award upon them!
Top Prize of WIPO Awarded to Inventions
Not only can I confirm that the World Intellectual Property Organization is in fact AN ACTUAL ORGANIZATION but it's even a special agency of the United Nations! And they give out awards! And this year, they gave an award to "Manufacturing technique of composites for keeping freshness of the immortal flower Kimjongilia" and....wait, what now? They gave an award to the development of plastic wrap for that crazy ass flower named after Kim Jong Il? Why would they....
Oh wait. Hold your horses.
WIPO gives out awards somewhat liberally. Every country that bothers to participate selects inventions that they feel stand out. WIPO itself, has nothing to do with the selection process. And then every country gets FABULOUS PRIZES with which to honor the inventions they themselves selected. In that regard, receiving a WIPO award is not unlike winning the Special Olympics. There are no losers, just winners that have the courage to try.
At this point, I think I should apologize for associating the Special Olympics which I really do think is an excellent organization with saran wrap for Kimjongilias.
Congratulations DPRK! Way to keep those flowers fresh!
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