Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Morning Blog

Any tin-pot dictators out there looking for a roommate? If you want to go camping, he's got a great tent! However things pan out though, there's a compelling argument that Libya may end NATO.

A room with a view? Hosni Mubarak's sons are now in prison. Hopefully, they will soon be joined by their father. The great question facing Egypt remains however: "What now?"

Kacee Bait: Sweet Valley (post High). Now featuring orgasms.

As long as we're on the subject of romance novels...

They've made so many movies in Pittsburgh of late that we are almost becoming jaded about it. I personally remember when the filming of "The Moth-Man Chronicles" as being a hassle. They made a mess of my mothers street. Don't even get me started on how hard it was to get to my favorite bar during the filming of "Wonder Boys". That said... Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Batman is coming to town! Just the other night, I was talking to a friend about how we could really use a superhero right now.

Speaking of pop culture, a writer talks about his experience listening to every one of the 1,001 songs that have been Billboard's number one. I'm not that big a fan of popular music generally so I'm comfortably certain that doing something like that would make me claw my eyes out. However, it gives me an excuse to link to this video. Yes children, the 80's were a strange and terrible place. A strange and terrible place indeed.

Hellish, even.

Don't like being groped by TSA agents? You'd best keep your dirty mouth shut: 

"Expressing your contempt about airport procedures -- that's a First Amendment-protected right," said Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you."

"It's circular reasoning where, you know, I'm going to ask someone to surrender their rights; if they refuse, that's evidence that I need to take their rights away from them. And it's simply inappropriate," he said.

The old man in the funny hat might have a point. That said, I rarely use God to make airline reservations. Magic just can't compete with Travelocity.

 Should it surprise anyone that the hot tub at the Playboy mansion is filled with disease soup?

 Having conquered humanity on Jeopardy, it looks as though our future, metal overlords have now decided to mock us with superior sports writing.

 Short post today. It's a Sunday and I deserve a rest.

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