Friday, November 12, 2010

Some News

I am going to do a little news scrounging today...Just a little. The girlfriend is taking a much deserved nap after last nights shenanigans so I have a bit of free time to look around.

This article on Arizona losing Hispanic residents strikes me as curious. I think clearly that it's not just because of that states draconian immigration law ('draconian' by the way, seems to be the accepted adjective), but also because of the recession. Clearly, people won't stay somewhere if the economy is hurting.

I'm specifically interested in this however:

The study also predicts that remittances — the money sent home by migrants working abroad — won't recover their peak value of about $26 billion until 2012 or 2013.

Remittances fell in 2008 and 2009, largely because of the U.S. slowdown.

Remittances are Mexico's second-largest source of foreign income after oil exports. Nearly all of the money comes from the U.S., where nearly 12 million Mexicans live.

The research center also estimated that remittances were dwarfed by the amount of money Mexican migrants paid in taxes in the United States — about $53 billion in 2008.

I'd be curious to see if there is a possible correlation or even a causation between the decline in remittances and the rise of drug violence within Mexico. I'd suspect strongly that there is but can't say for certain without being provided with quite a bit more information. 

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