Friday, February 11, 2011

The Morning Blog

The Egyptian protests continue. Mubarak has declined to go the hell away. I don't understand why anyone would ever want to be President of a country roiled by upheaval in the first place. I can think of quite a few preferable (not to mention safer), jobs; One-eyed sewer scrubber to begin with.

Oh, and I see he resigned seven minutes ago. Way to make me out of date.
11:04 A.M. |Mubarak Resigns
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has resigned, according to a statement moments ago on live television from Vice President Omar Suleiman.
Cheers immediately swept the crowds outside Egyptian state television headquarters.

Hopefully, this signals me getting a break from writing about Egypt.

Meanwhile in Iran... Quoth Ahmadinejad:

"It's your right to be free. It's your right to exercise your will and sovereignty ... and choose the type of government and the rulers,"

He then proceeded to lock up as many members of the Iranian opposition as possible...

Bolivian protests against food prices aren't quite as impressive. They did set off some dynamite though so that's certainly something.

Archeologists have uncovered relics from the second doomed journey of Captain Pollard. I read a book about this some time ago. His first whaling vessel, the Essex, was capsized by a whale and formed the inspiration for "Moby Dick". Unfortunately for the crew, the destruction of their boat was only the beginning of their story rather than the end. They were adrift in the sea with very, very little to each other.

This was inevitable: Smoking bans at workplaces are now becoming smoker bans. Whether you smoke or not, you have to realize that this is only the beginning of jobs discriminating against employees engaged in legal activities outside the workplace:

One concern voiced by groups like the National Workrights Institute is that such policies are a slippery slope — that if they prove successful in driving down health care costs, employers might be emboldened to crack down on other behavior by their workers, like drinking alcohol, eating fast food and participating in risky hobbies like motorcycle riding. The head of the Cleveland Clinic was both praised and criticized when he mused in an interview two years ago that, were it not illegal, he would expand the hospital policy to refuse employment to obese people. 

“There is nothing unique about smoking,” said Lewis Maltby, president of the Workrights Institute, who has lobbied vigorously against the practice. “The number of things that we all do privately that have negative impact on our health is endless. If it’s not smoking, it’s beer. If it’s not beer, it’s cheeseburgers. And what about your sex life?”

Well, it is a recession... This is one way to insure job security.

Let's hold our noses, put on some gloves and check out what's happening over at CPAC. Looks pretty dreadful. I mean seriously, Donald Trump is considering a presidential run and he might be the best of the god-awful pack the Republicans will be fielding. And frankly I must ask: If your main goal is making Obama a one term President (not necessarily a bad thing), WHAT PRECISELY ARE YOU GOING TO DO AFTER YOU MAKE IT INTO THE WHITE HOUSE???? Hmmmm? Any plan there? Any thoughts? Am I expecting too much from the zombies at CPAC?

How much do you know? This stands out:

In 2007, all the general-purpose computers in the world computed 6.4 x 10^18 instructions per second, in the same general order of magnitude as the number of nerve impulses executed by a single human brain. Doing these instructions by hand would take 2,200 times the period since the Big Bang.

OK. This settles it. The retirement age can totally be raised!

Stupid eBay! I would have bid on this for Valentines Day!

George Bush was right! George Bush was wrong! Who cares? It's just none of our business what other people in the world want to do!

Arguments for and against the gold standard. I'm not in a position to comment on the pros or cons adequately, not being an economist. I will note however, that gold is probably a far more convenient standard for currency than this.

Let's end things with these crazy-ass beasties. They're a cross between a shrew, a hedgehog and a cricket.

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