Monday, February 14, 2011

The Morning Blog

Rather than tracking all of the unrest rising up all over the Middle East in the wake of the Egyptian revolution (their Army by the way would very much like protesters to go home now), here's an easy cheat sheet of Guys that Gotta Go. It's a who's who of horribles.

China has officially surpassed Japan as the number 2 economy. Really not a surprise to anyone, I would think. At best, Japan is at a plateau. Unless it does something serious and soon about its age demographic, it's simply not going to be able to provide enough humans to maintain its manufacturing capacity.

Here's an economy that's growing nicely however: PIRATES!!!

Happy Valentines Day!

Kacee Bait: Hey Lover, here's another job that sounds cooler than being a lawyer.

The Afghan conflict heats up! Fried Chicken, Edition.

I mentioned this in Saturdays Morning Blog: More on the New York stabbing rampage here.

Kacee Bait: Oh no... Not here too!

No football to talk about obviously...I gather that a hockey game broke out at a fight.

Scientists searching for the fossils of extinct giant rats manged to discover something much cooler: Carved stone faces dating to the Pleistocene.

I've been really excited about this for quite some time: The Economist takes a look at the implications of 3-D printing. It's going to be very, very interesting when the technology gets perfected. One thing that's going to be very significant is what sort of blueprints are going to be available. Certainly, there are bound to be prints for car parts or toys or sneakers or what-have-you. However, we live in a world with a tiny thing called the "internet". The devices that will inevitably be made available online will be be endless. And perhaps not that benevolent. I'm certain more than a few people will be interested in for example, printing up a gun in their living room.

Speaking of inventions... Is a re-designed bike really that interesting? Frankly, it looks less than comfortable.

A Chinese Hero Made In America.

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