Monday, March 7, 2011

The Morning Blog

Well, I took the day off yesterday from looking at the Middle East. Let's see what's going on in Libya. Things are pretty bad: The rebels are going to have a very hard time of it to say the least if a no-fly zone isn't instituted and fast. Naturally, I join the rest of the sane world (meaning everyone but Beck ) in wishing insurgents throughout the Middle East the best of luck. But I really don't know that implementing a no-fly zone is what we should be doing. Yes, it would help the Libyan rebels tremendously. It might even save them. That said, it is ultimately a military action. The first thing we'll have to do is assault Libya's anti-aircraft defense installations including radar facilities, missile sites, et al. I'm a bit squeamish at this point about launching another military action in the Middle East right now...

Foreign Policy takes a look at some other options to the no-fly zone. Sounds like the best we can hope for is a new Afghanistan. And we all know how well that turned out..

Through the looking glass with Muammar Qaddafi.

South Korea says "defectors", North Korea says "prisoners". They also call the South "rude" which I think is great.

Sheesh! And you think we have problems with the border!

Speaking of the border, Utah's republicans have put together a new immigration law that seems...well, actually kind of realistic! At the very least, they've accepted that the idea of arresting and deporting thousands and thousands of people who provide labor in their economy is at best a pipe dream.

Just when I start to feel slightly better about the GOP, they go ahead and push something so profoundly wrong it makes my head spin: New Hampshire Republicans have introduced bills clearly with the intent of disenfranchising college students. God forbid, the educated should vote:

New Hampshire's new Republican state House speaker is pretty clear about what he thinks of college kids and how they vote. They're "foolish," Speaker William O'Brien said in a recent speech to a tea party group.

"Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do," he added, his comments taped by a state Democratic Party staffer and posted on YouTube. Students lack "life experience," and "they just vote their feelings." 

New Hampshire House Republicans are pushing for new laws that would prohibit many college students from voting in the state - and effectively keep some from voting at all. 

Not quite CHiPs...

Hopefully, the Supreme Court will hear this case. A man was arrested for failing to pay a fine despite producing a document proving that the fine had been paid. He was held for eight days in two different counties and strip-searched twice. He argues that the searches were a violation of his Fourth Amendment rights. Prison authorities state that the purpose of the searches is to stop contraband from getting into their jails and...well, let's look at the argument:

“It is plausible,” Judge Thomas M. Hardiman wrote, “that incarcerated persons will induce or recruit others to subject themselves to arrest on nonindictable offenses to smuggle weapons or other contraband into the facility.” 

Mr. Florence’s lawyer, Susan Chana Lask, said that would make sense if her client were “Houdini in reverse” — a master of becoming incarcerated though blameless, in the hope of passing along contraband to confederates waiting for him inside. 

In his dissent in Mr. Florence’s case, Judge Louis H. Pollak, a former dean of Yale Law School, was also skeptical of the majority’s theory. “One might doubt,” he wrote, “that individuals would deliberately commit minor offenses such as civil contempt — the offense for which Florence was arrested — and then secrete contraband on their persons, all in the hope that they will, at some future moment, be arrested and taken to jail to make their illicit deliveries.”

That's right...There are jaywalkers everywhere with weapons secreted in their rectums just looking to into the big house...

In other Supreme Court news, a way has been opened for prisoners seeking exoneration through DNA testing. I find Thomas' dissent baffling:

"What prisoner would not avail himself of this additional bite at the apple?" Thomas wrote.

Well...Yeah. Obviously. And if the goal of the courts is efficiency rather than justice, I can see how this might be problematic. But we're talking about a prisoner on death row here! Why on Earth should they not be given access to scientific evidence that might save them from execution?

This headline supports my thesis that the trees are out to get us.

While we're all watching the trees with a certain wariness, we might also consider keeping an eye on the dastardly old people!

Yay! The Washington Posts Annual Peeps Show is here!

Probably won't be invited to the wedding...However, this is the sort of headline that makes copy-editors drool. The alliteration alone is enough to excite them to unheard of realms of ecstasy: British Prince Pilloried Over Pedophile Pal.


Remembering Bradley Manning. Glenn Greenwald argues that the conditions of his detention amount to torture here.

In lighter news, The Consumerist proposes 10 Ways the TSA Could Cut Costs and Increase Revenue. My favorite?

Airport security is a burden we must all shoulder. Do your part, and please grope yourself in advance.

"Bond...Jane Bond"

Words of the Week. When will Charlie Sheen just go the hell away?

And finally...

Via The Agitator: Here's a gallery of public health posters. Wash your damn hands already!

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