Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Morning Blog

The stalemate in Libya grinds on. Qaddafi forces appear to have been able to largely minimize the use of allied air strikes against them by taking positions amongst civilian populations. Meanwhile, the rebels seem upset that the coalition arrayed against the Libyan government hasn't been bombing the hell out of everything more vigorously. Frankly guys, you're lucky that we're there. It's too bad that we're not willing to fight your entire war, but those are the breaks. That said, in the absence of a sustained, allied bombing campaign, I suspect that the rebels are going to have to do some bombing on their own and resort to asymmetric warfare. And they're going to have to get those bombs and the training to use them from...somebody. And I'm willing to bet that that source will be somewhat less than scrupulous. As a rule of thumb, asymmetrical warfare has not been particularly conducive to stability in the Middle East...

But hey, at least they'll have the money to pay for it.

What is the deal with France these days? I can't remember the last time they were involved actively in a war, let alone two.

If they'd care for a third, Somalia is calling. I've read that they have a fabulous beach.

Given France's recent interest in meddling in the Muslim world, I can't help but wonder when the Arabs will feel the need to debate the role of France in Islamic countries. Can baguettes ever be reconciled with burkas?

Kacee Bait: And as the French run all over North Africa, who the hell is protecting the precious, precious wine?!?!?

Since they were cruelly denied the opportunity to be led by Wyclef Jean, Haitians went ahead and elected Sweet Mickey instead. President Sweet Mickey certainly has a daunting task ahead of him. Frankly, I think they could have elected anyone and it would have had the same results. Given the devastated state of the island, they could have just as easily nominated a turnip, a stick, a cookbook or a Nobel Prize winner and had the same expectations of success.

To be honest, I'm not sure that things could get any weirder for Italy either.

Opening this article, the first thing I thought was: "How modest and tasteful." I like to think that it was a matter of life and death with that giraffe.

Mike Bait: Oh how charming! New York City has managed to create its own black market drug business! Who would have ever seen that coming? What a surprise.

Here's a profile of a very interesting Japanese lady. I wish her the best.

Without even the slightest dash of irony, the New York Times is entreating readers to submit their stories. This is taking their new business model a bit far...While I understand why they want to have a pay wall, asking for reader generated content that readers can then pay to read seems quite a bit much I think...

In which one of the toughest men in professional football is involved in "...An uplifting expression of happiness...bouncing, butt-shaking but two for the price of one: happy hour!" To be honest, I can't say that I'm all that surprised that Hines Ward is doing well on "Dancing with the Stars". Now if they can get James Harrison on board...

Speaking of the NFL, I guess times really are getting tough due to the lockout.

Yikes...The terrible toll of April Fool's Day continues.

Baby animals!

On a personal note: When I was young, I dreamed of becoming an archeologist. Unfortunately, I quickly learned that most archeology largely consists of squatting in a desert somewhere, brushing at a millennium old chamber pot with a toothbrush. That is, if you were lucky. This however, is the sort of stuff I dreamed of! Even if it is mostly being done through a computer network, at least the scientists are rampaging across the Mongolian steppe on horseback!

Looks like Blur may have been onto something.

I am no longer impressed by the statue of Jesus in your front yard.

Rocks rock.

I am happy to announce that another step has been taken to end the scourge of piracy: Should Somali sea dogs approach your vessel, you can now hose them down with puke spray!

Or maybe just give them a Nintendo 3DS. Whatever works.

Sarah Bait: I imagine it's been some time since you've had the chance to ride a horse. You might consider something new.

And why on Earth shouldn't I end this blog with a jumping cow?

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